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Is September the Best Month for Moving in Alabama?

Careful, Fast & Courteous

Moving to a new home can be an exciting but challenging endeavor. Among the many decisions you’ll make during this process is choosing the right time to move. In Alabama, where the climate varies throughout the year, selecting the best month for your move is crucial. One question often asked is whether September is the best month for moving in Alabama. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of moving in September and help you decide if it’s the right choice for your move.


football season may make moving in september a challenge for alabama residents


Advantages of Moving in September in Alabama

Mild weather
One of the most significant advantages of moving in September in Alabama is the weather. The intense summer temperatures usually start to cool down, making it a bit more comfortable to handle the physical demands of moving. While September can still be warm, it’s generally less oppressive than the peak summer months, allowing you to work more efficiently and with less risk of heat-related issues.

Lower humidity
Alabama is known for its humidity, especially during the summer. By September, the humidity levels begin to drop, providing a more pleasant environment for your moving activities. Lower humidity can make it easier to breathe, reduce sweating, and protect your belongings from potential moisture damage.

Reduced risk of severe weather
In Birmingham, Huntsville, and throughout the state weather can be influenced by hurricanes and tropical storms during the late summer and early fall. What’s more, tornadoes aren’t usually a concern until later in fall. While September can still bring some risk of storms, it’s less likely to encounter severe weather as other months.

It’s easier to schedule a moving company
Many families with children prefer to move during the summer to minimize disruption to their schooling. As a result, the demand for moving services is higher in the summer months. By choosing September for your move, you may have an easier time booking a moving company. This can lead to cost savings and a less stressful moving experience.

Disadvantages of Moving in September in Alabama

Your schedule might be a bit hectic with school in session
While moving in September might be more convenient for some, it can pose challenges for families with school-age children. If you have kids, their school and sports schedules may not align with a September move. It’s essential to consider the impact on your family’s routine when deciding on a moving date.

It’s college football season
In Alabama, college football is more than just a sport; it’s a way of life. September is the start of the college football season, with games taking place throughout the month. If you’re a fan or live in an area with a strong football culture, moving during September may mean missing out on important games and get togethers.

There’s the chance of rain
While the risk of severe weather diminishes in September, there’s still a chance of rain. Rain can complicate the moving process. Be prepared for wet conditions and consider how it might affect your move.

Is September the best month to move? That’s your call but our movers are here to help!

Choosing the best month for moving in Alabama depends on various factors, including your personal circumstances and priorities. September offers many advantages, such as milder weather, lower humidity, reduced risk of severe weather, and more flexible scheduling options. However, it’s important to consider potential drawbacks like school schedules and the college football season.

Ultimately, the decision should align with your specific needs and preferences. If you value comfortable weather and reduced stress, September could be an excellent choice for your move in Alabama.

Regardless of when you decide to move, the local movers at Changing Spaces Moving, Inc., would love to help. Providing residential moving services in the Greater Birmingham and Huntsville metros for over 20 years, you can count on our local knowledge and expertise to help you make your home move less stressful. Reach out today to request a free moving estimate!